Sunday, August 15, 2010

Church of One

So we all went to church....finally all four of us, together, and almost on time.  The ritual of Catholic mass in all its repetitive glory can mesmorize me in such a way that I am not really aware of what I'm saying.  I just know I'm saying it.  And I know every word, every pause, every kneel, every stand and every sit. But each and every time I celebrate mass my consciousness gets aroused when I recite the Apostle's in unison with E on my left and G on my right...we all began, "I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen one being with the Father...." and so on til our perfectly articulated profession was made.  It brings a wholeness to parts of me that maybe didn't feel so whole or should I say holy during the week. Makes me think I should be saying a creed of my own, a simple daily creed made up of my simple daily beliefs...ya know just to keep me and my breakable parts whole.

So simply, daily, surely and honestly.....I believe

~ in the healing power of a hug
~ that smiles are priceless
~ happiness doesn't happen, it is created
~ my children would do anything for me or for each other
~ that food is love
~ in sharing my feelings, good and bad
~ that nothing is more beautiful than a child's face
~ in saying "no" especially to my son when he begs for a dog
~ in having a will and finding a way
~ driving across town to give someone a hug is perfectly ok
~ in the power of positive thinking
~ that nature speaks to me
~ anger is the enemy
~ compassion is the key
~ acts of kindness should not be random
~ there are no mistakes, only lessons
~ in real, hands-on everyday parenting
~ a mother can also be a father
~ flying my own flag is the best example I can set
~ in judging based on behavior, not race or religion
~ that love conquers all

If I'm not living my creed, I'm not being true to my own religion, the church of one, of self, of's a work in progress and quite honestly I never want it to be complete...

So I urge you to write your own creed...look inside your everyday bubble and see yourself talking to your friends, or approaching a stranger in need, or interacting with a child, parenting your kids, look outside your race or your sexual orientation and judge yourself.  What are the rights and what are the wrongs? Change the wrongs to rights and rewrite your creed as often as necessary...memorize it, recite it, live it, own it.  It is yours.

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