Thursday, July 15, 2010

Let's Talk About the C Word

Whoa whoa whoa....pick your head up. You know me better than that.  I want to talk about coincidence.

This is a big C word, a worthy C word, a C word I have heard alot about lately.  This C word has become very important to me. 

A co-incident occurred last week while driving in the car with Connor during one of our many treasured roundtrips for baseball.  To the game I began to tell him about an old song that had special meaning to me growing up.   I dissected the good parts, the lyrics, the meat and the heart of this lovesong as I promised to download it for him the next day.  I told him it's called Thank You, by Led Zeppelin and should be added to his virtual list of classics and must-knows. Well, we arrived at our destination, played two ballgames, hopped back in the car, jumped on the trace, got caught in one of our angry southern storms, and as coincidence would have it turned the radio on and .........there it was, in all its 1969 glory, feeling just like the first time it christened my ears..... if the sun refused to shine, i'll still be lovin' you; if mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me.

WHAT???? OMG Connor, this is the song....turn it up, listen...OMG I can't believe it...what is going on here? Why does this always happen to us?? there it is, say it again.  Why does this always happen to us?

Why DOES this always happen to us?

Because some of us are awake and alert to the signs that life holds up for us.  They are meant to be read and followed.  Coincidence is a message from our universe....okay a little less new-agey way of saying it would be that coincidence is a high sign...letting us know we are on the right path.  We are moving in the right direction.  You see coincidence occurs when we are at a crossroads in our lives, we feel lost in a way and are unable to find a direction.  We are seeking answers to life's mysteries, and our questions are foremost in our minds.  So we seek Divine help and then we quiet down so we can hear, we open our eyes so that we can see, our minds become still and we invite the answer. That's when coincidences occur.  When we are ready for them. 

This powerful phenomenon unfolds in a myriad of ways, a chance encounter, an unexpected visitor, the number on the license plate in front of you, a dream with similarities to real-life events, a random remark made by someone in your office, a phrase in a book you are reading, a text message delivered at the perfect time, the source can be as diverse as life itself.  I believe that the more attuned you are to your higher self, the more you become aware of the meaning of coincidence.  Our problems are not in finding the answers; our problems are in identifying the questions. 

Can you see how the Led Zeppelin radio story signified and legitimized my involvement in Connor's life?  I gave him exposure to powerful soul-soothing lyrics because I am in tune with his emotional needs.  The coincidence of the radio play was a confirmation and an affirmation to us both.  The question was answered.

So how can you get your questions right? You'll need to poke around and probe your feelings and intuitions.  Know what your fears are, your anxieties, your true moments of happiness, your spiritual connections.  You need to know what feels right and what feels wrong, what feels loving to you, what reassures you, what is working in your life and what is not. You'll need to put in the work, take a long hard look at your innermost center.  You will begin to sense what your core questions are for which you seek answers.  At that point, coincidences will begin to kick in. They will point you in the right direction gently nudging you to the right answers, the right decisions to help you reach your goals and dreams.

When you acknowledge how meaningful these coincidences are and the positive changes they bring about, the more you attract such life-changing  events.

So if you happen to meet a stranger who lives 3,255 miles away, but to you it feels like home, don't ask, why? and don't ask, what are the chances? Because the chances are 100%.



  1. Well done, Little Patty! I really enjoyed this. You are a gifted writer and a great thinker. Very inciteful.

  2. I believe this from the depths of my hippie soul. Now I'm off to listen to some Led Zeppelin!

  3. How is it that you define a phenomenon in one blog post that others have devoted their entire lives trying to figure out? There is no longer a need for self - help sections in bookstores. You just ran them all out of business. Keep the good words coming. I know I need them, and hope I apply them gracefully.

  4. i am thankful for your emotional challenges Ashley; you are my inspiration and my u gypsy.

  5. and Joe i owe you 25 miles or so. :)

  6. That was awesome, Patty...
    When it happens to you, you know it. There's a feeling that's hard to explain, but you did a heckuva job explaining it..
    I've always said, There's no such thing as coincidence. Some things cannot be explained.
    Coincidence, a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance, leaves the door open for just that possibility, Chance. But breaking it down, To Coincide, to correspond exactly, as in nature, character, etc.(thank you kinda reinforces the other "force" we feel when it happens. To correspond EXACTLY as in nature...
    I agree with you totally, certain instances are more than coincidence... Much more. I hope I made sense...
